As per Open Medicine Foundation website:
“Use our new Social Shareables page to download educational graphics about ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, Long COVID, and Chronic Lyme Disease and share them on social media. The steps are easy: click on each image to download and post directly to Instagram, Twitter, and/or Facebook!
You can also follow OMF on our social media channels and share or retweet our informational content! (@OpenMedF on Twitter and Instagram.) We hope you find this to be a valuable resource in helping the greater community understand ME/CFS and related multisystem chronic, complex diseases. Don’t forget to tag us (type ‘@OpenmedF’), in your social shareables post so we can help you to get the word out!
Want to connect with others within the chronic disease community? Try using these hashtags on your posts:
#SpoonieSupport #PwME #MillionsMissing #EndMECFS #SpoonieCommunity #Butyoudontlooksick #Chronicillness”